Know the Significance of Muhurta in a day during Puja. A day consists of 15 auspicious Muhurtas and 15 inauspicious Muhurtas. It is essential to look into the different Muhurtas in a day. Choghadiya Muhurta, Brahma Muhurta, Abhijit Muhurat, Rahu Kaal, Shubh Hora. As weddings are new beginnings, people choose Shub Muhurtas before performing it. These are some of the Muhurtas of the day. It is always better to plan your day according to Shubh Muhurtas.
Description of Vedic Format Nimis, Kastha, Kala, Muhurta in respect of Western Time Format
Muhurta refers to a period of 48 Western minutes or 30 Kalas. 30 Muhurtas in a single day and night is equivalent to 24 Western hours. According to RigVeda, one Muhurta is 30 Kalas or 48 minutes. Each Kala is equal to 30 Kashta, which is the same as 1.6 minutes.
- 1 Nimis (One Blinking of Eye)=0.18 Sec
- 1 Kastha=18 Nimisas=3.2 Seconds
- 1 Kala=30 Kashta =540 Nimisas=96 Seconds=1.6 minutes
- 1 Muhurta=48 Minutes=30 Kalas = 900 Kashta = 16200 Nimisas = 2880 Seconds
- 1 Ghat=90 Minutes
- 1 Day=24 Hours=30 Muhurta = 900 Kalas = 2700 Kashta =3600 Minutes = 48600 Nimisas = 40 Ghats
Type of Muhurta in a day
- Choghadiya Muhurta – Favorable Muhurtas are Shub, Labha, and Amrit momet to start the auspicious works. It is equal to one and a half hours or 3.75 Ghats.
- Brahma Muhurta -It is one and a half hours before sunrise. . The time between 2 AM and 6 AM. So, the performance of meditation or yoga in Brahma Muhurta is highly beneficial.
- Abhijit Muhurat – It is the best time of day to make investments and also for conducting meetings for positive results.
- Rahu Kaal – It is an inauspicious time and is not suited to perform holy deeds or pujas conduct any business transactions.
- Shubh Hora – It refers to the auspicious timing in a day. It is the best fit for delivering prayers, rituals, and wedding ceremonies.
Why new beginnings are perfomed during Shub Muhurtas
These are some of the Muhurtas of the day. It is always better to plan your day according to Shubh Muhurtas to perform works.It is because it would enhance the results as well as improve our connection with the Divine power. Significance of Muhurta in a Puja. It helps us in making better decisions and also provides us with confidence. These are some of the significances associated with conducting or participating in a puja during an auspicious time.
- As weddings are new beginnings, people choose Shub Muhurtas before performing it.
- When we conduct Pujas, it is beneficial to do so in an auspicious Muhurta.
- In Hinduism, devotees choose an auspicious time for performing rituals, prayers, ceremonies, and pujas.
- As per astrological beliefs, the chances of succeeding in a task increases when performed in an auspicious Muhurta.
- In the ancient Vedic days, people chose Muhurtas for conducting Yagnas. •
- People who don’t have a birth chart or suffer from a Dosha must look at the Muhurta while engaging in Pujas. •
- Taking part in Pujas during an auspicious Muhurta can evade evil forces and negative vitalities. •
- As per astrology, a auspicious muhurta can help in removing the imbalances of energy flow in our bodies.
- Always note that Pujas in temples are performed based on the Muhurtas.
They are best suited for starting a new business, conducting ceremonies like marriage, house warming, pujas, and other new ventures. It enhances the chances of gaining a positive result in the work you are doing.
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