Under the Swachha Bharat Mission (SBM) a city is declared as ODF, ODF+ and ODF++ on ensuring sustainability of the ODF status.
Full form of ODF, ODF+ and ODF++
- Open Defecation Free(ODF) -A city or ward can be notified / declared as ODF city or ODF ward if all person used toilet and no one is found defecating in the open at any time of the day.
- (ODF+) – if ODF Cities/towns that are working towards ensuring sustainability and status to ensure proper maintenance of toilet facilities.
- (ODF++) -if Cities/towns that are working towards ensuring Safe collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of all faecal sludge and sewage, is called as SBM ODF++
- IHHL– Individual Household Latrine
- IHHT– Individual Household Toilet
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